Wednesday 11 March 2009

Summer lovin'

So, today I was sifting through all my school work and filling in my planner with all manner of exam-related crap in an attempt at organisation.

For the most part, all my negative 'HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO SURVIVE THIS?!' vibes have kind of fallen away, because my exams are over a seven-week period, and the 'nice' ominous, bold, black writing in the handbook said to maintain POSITIVE THINKING, whatever that means.

Planning the stuff out felt a little better than sitting around like a... duck... waiting to be... buggered. (I'm trying to get across the image of dread here, can you tell?)

So in a feat of POSITIVE THINKING (it really doesn't look all that inviting, written like that) I'm thinking about all the gorgeous things that I have to look forward to.

Summer. Summer is gonna be a killer this year!!! I finish my exams (should be a cuss word of the highest degree. The E word. Haha... Taking my E's) in early June and there's no school college sixth form until September, so I can just chill for three months...

WRONG! This summer will be even better.

I'm going to Tenerife this year!!!

We're staying with my mum's friend out there for ten days, it's gonna be gorgeous.

Despite the fact there are approximately three people who really don't like me for this, I'm dead excited. I never go abroad, and I've never been anywhere that hot. I might even like it. I'll be back at the end of August, and I'll be all tanned/burnt for my triumphant return to Flufford, which will be, well, different. Last time it was sunny at school I rolled back my sleeves to demonstrate to Anna how my skin is so pale that I actually reflect the sun, it's unreal.

Then there are other incentives...

You see, around my room there are various reminders of exactly why I need to work hard. I need to keep going to get what I want. And I think I've made it pretty clear exactly what it is that I want here before now.

(Psst... If you can't be bothered to click the link, here's a clue for you.)

Yeah. That's what can be found in my bedroom. Six travel books, a couple of drawings I did during a maths exam, stuff stuck in the back of my school books and various elements of my laptop.

Shut up, I'm not obsessed.

So yeah, whilst it's a long-shot, going to Seattle is still a pretty good goal to work towards.

Plus there is something undeniably good about scribbling 'noooo', 'nope', 'nichts', 'nil', 'nah, not me mate', and 'now go do something else with your life for three months' all over my school planner.

But there I go jumping the gun...


Jay Ferris said...

I think it's safe to call this a win for Seattle.

Muppet Soul said...

I friggin loved Seattle.