Wednesday 18 March 2009

Some frustrations.

[Warning: The following post contains surplus amounts of angst with just a gallon or two of trivial complaining.]

I am teenager. Hear me roar.

For real, I'm chewing on my own angst right now.

  • My sister is using every opportunity to complain. Currently she is crying because she had eaten too much, and is grumbling because she missed out on all the trite children's gossip at school last week and has to catch up. HA! Look at what I have to catch up on.

  • I don't understand the whole university system and I really want to because given my choice of university, I really need to plan this one. I want to ask someone who knows these things from experience but can't for all of four reasons: a) My dad may or may not be in Turkey, b) My brother never attended university, or college for that matter, c) When I went to ask my mum she was too drunk to answer coherently and given that it was fucking Tuesday I think that's pretty damn frustrating, and d) I'm too shy and time-consumed to ask any of the adults I see on a daily basis.

  • Once again I have to stay up (this was written last night by the way) until 2am because my sister insists on keeping the light on for no conceivable reason and won't let me turn it off whilst she's concious. Then, when I - sleep-deprived - complain, my mother says I should just back off and compromise and I'm all AND WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I TAKE THIS LYING DOWN IF I'M NOT SLEEPING?! and then I get called selfish and inconsiderate when really I'm just exhausted and long since past my mental capacity.

  • The way people simply REFUSE to get along in drama bugs me. The Drama Woman is the kind of person who incites hatred by SUGGESTING THAT WE SHOULD ALL BE MAD WITH RYAN REALLY LOUDLY and making everyone wildly competitive, enough so that even the closest of friends will turn against each other. And I was so sure that friends came first...

  • I wanted this week, month, year, decade to speed up, but now I can't remember where the last six months went and that unsettles me quite a bit.

  • Universities have a wide range of just STUFF. I don't understand it. I can't even navigate the website properly. I wish they'd just tell me what on Earth they are talking about already.

But hey, I'm fifteen. Who listens to me?


Jay Ferris said...

I'm pretty sure that The Disney Channel is listening to you.

Nicole said...

Oh har har.

Jay Ferris said...

That was funny and you know it.

Nicole said...

I'll have you know that me and Donald Duck have a fantastic working relationship.