Thursday 12 March 2009

Visual karma.

Good morning, gang!


Yeah, I know. I can't forgive me for that either.

I've narrowed down the reasons for my distraction into three distinct categories.

1. The magical unicorn that sleeps in my bed.

2. My shameless addiction to Twitter, Blogger, Tumblr, Facebook, Forum and a fantabulous game called Poppit.

3. The seating plan for Lauren and Tilda's birthday this Saturday *SQUEE!*


The thing is, I have this magical thing called a personal paper demon portfolio to write, and despite being open, ready and waiting for almost three hours now, it looks a lot - if not exactly - like this.

You see my problem.

So yes. I appear to have screwed up my education ever so slightly with only weeks to go.

So anyway, I want to keep with the wonderful NaBloPoMo, which I'm all over like a rash at the moment, and so I won't be gone.

You see, I have this amazing device in my inventory. It can product something worth looking at in .1 of a second.

Yes. I'm talking about a camera.

So here's the deal. I bugger off and do my various personal paper demons and face the wrath of my teachers, but I'll keep my camera on hand and post a couple of photos every day, because I want the dudey little badge saying I completed NaBloPoMo AGAINST ALL ODDS and against the will of the unstoppable force of nature that is my drama teacher.

And in the words of millions of procrastinators across the globe, "I'll do it tomorrow".


rachaelgking said...

I'm scared to click the link for Poppit... I'm already addicted to so many things!

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

I'm a whore for pictures, so bring your photographing skills on!