Friday 6 March 2009

What you waiting for?

I may or may not have been listening to Gwen Stefani on full blast for the last twenty minutes or so.

Regardless, this day is still very good...

1. I took my camera into school.

I totally forgot about it until I was walking to the university, but it was still nice to have it with me besides. The good times came marching in.

2. It was sunny.

The sun! The sky! Bright! Blue! HUZZAH! It was warm too! Well, warm for a Northern English March anyway. Me, Tilda and Anna ended up lying on the grass outside, it was so sunny. (Then the stupid big-ass cloud came along and it was FREEZING, but we won't focus on that...)

3. I got to play dress-up with Jess and Cherry.

In history me and Cherry went the ENTIRE WAY in terms of Native American Indian-ness. Then we wore it all for the rest of the day. Brilliant.

4. I got my IMedia files back from the ICT office.

Yep. Yesterday I filmed Aaron, Izzie and Tilda dancing around in Lycra and various other degrees of undress (seriously, Aaron nearly stripped off) and today after much discussion with the ICT technicians they gave me the files back. How awesome is that?

5. A certain movie poster has been released...

Yeah. We're talking New Moon, people.

Feel the glory.

That picture in itself makes me feel sad because I know that book a little too well...

Poor Edward.

And now, in the throws of pitying vampires, I must silence myself.